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Community Resource Page

This page provides quick access to some of the most popular community resources.


Crisis & Other Hotlines

See below for resources to cope with domestic violence and abuse, sexual assault, mental health challenges, and addiction, as well as for legal aid and information 

If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.

Disaster Distress Hotline (phone or text)

Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. Dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster.

  • Children and Families of Iowa
    • Local: (515) 243-6147
    • National: 1-800-942-0333
  • Iowa Victim Service Call Center; for victims of sexual violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, and other violent crimes; statewide; 24-hour
    •  +1 (800) 770-1650
    • Or  text ‘IOWAHELP’ to 20121
  • Iowa Domestic Violence & Victim Call Center; statewide; 24-hour
    • +1(800) 770-1650
  • Deaf Iowans Against Abuse; statewide; 24-hour
    • +1 (319) 531-7719
    • +1 (515) 661-4015 (Text only)
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    • +1 (800) 799-7233

Sexual Assault Hotlines

  • Iowa Sexual Assault Hotline; statewide; 24-hour
    • +1(800) 284-7821
  • Iowa Victim Service Call Center; for victims of sexual violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, and other violent crimes; statewide; 24-hour
    • +1 (800) 770-1650
    • Or  text ‘IOWAHELP’ to 20121

Mental Health Hotlines

  • National Suicide Prevention Line
    • 988 call or text
    • +1 (800) 273-TALK
    • +1 (800) 273-8255
  • Central Iowa Crisis Line; countywide; 24-hour
    • +1 (844) 258-8858
  • Iowa Crisis Chat for individuals experiencing emotional crisis; statewide; 9:00am – 2:00am daily
  • Warm Line: a peer-run, confidential, telephone listening line for non crisis situations; national; 2:00pm- 10:00pm daily
    • +1 (844) 775-WARM
    • +1 (844) 775-9276
  • Friendship Line: both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support calls for people aged 60 years and older, and adults living with disabilities; national; 24-hour
    • +1 (800) 971-0016
  •  The Trevor Project: crisis intervention and suicide prevention line for LGBTQ youth under 25 years old; national; 24-hour

Addiction Hotlines

Non-medical Emergency Hotlines

  • Legal information hotline: free service to answer questions about employer-employee disputes, evictions, unemployment benefit denial, and identity theft.  Provided by Iowa Legal Aid in partnership with the Iowa State Bar Association and the Polk County Volunteer Lawyer Project; statewide
    • +1 (800) 332-0419
  • Emergency free interpretation assistance from the Iowa International Center: for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals facing a serious threat to life or well-being, as well as for social service providers who are serving limited English proficient individuals; statewide; 24-hour
    • Dial +1 (515) 282-8269, select option 5, and use code 7092 to be connected with an interpretation service who will work with you on connecting with a professional interpreter
  • ISU Extension One-on-One Consultation with Family Finance Program Specialists: Financial educators are available to talk about options for revising a budget, prioritizing bills, paying down debt, and connecting Iowans with community resources to stretch reduced incomes. Iowans can connect with a family finance specialist by phone or email. The conversations are free and confidential.
    • +1 (800) 447-1985 Toll free, confidential, 24-hour Iowa Concern Hotline; leave a message and someone will get back to you within 48 hours
    • Email Joyce Lash at , the financial educator assigned to Poweshiek County and someone will get back to you within 48 hours
    • Click here for more information about the program or to identify the financial educator to contact for a different county.



The purpose of this page is to provide hunger and food resources for Grinnell and surrounding communities. Please check with the organizations for latest updates.

Local Community Programs

  • Food Cupboard at Drake Community Library. Free food on shelves inside the west library door. Food provided by the Local Foods Connection available during library hours.
  • Community Meal: Thursday evening meal. Free will offering, pay what you can. Sign up on website or call 641-236-3757 by Wednesday at noon to reserve a meal.
  • Grinnell Food Coalition: Find the latest information on their services on their Facebook page.
  • Local Foods Connection: Weekly food box of seasonal food, free to LFC clients. Referrals from MICA, your local physician, Station Clubhouse, or your faith leader.
  • Fareway Double Up Food Bucks – Buy $1 worth of SNAP eligible product and receive $1 to be used on fresh produce.

Food Pantries

Seasonal Fresh Produce

  • Grinnell Giving Gardens: During the spring-summer growing season you can pick produce from any of the Giving Gardens. See a map of Giving Garden locations .
  • Grinnell Farmer’s Market: Central Park on Thursdays from 3pm-6pm and Saturdays from 10am-noon. Debit, credit, SNAP cards accepted and Double Up Food Bucks program available. WIC and Senior Checks accepted.


  • Seniors can receive free meals at West Side Diner in Grinnell through the Iowa Cafe program through the Iowa Area Agency on Aging. Learn how to sign up so you can receive 12 free meals per month. See the Iowa Cafe website here.

Mental Health & Wellness

***Local health resources for crisis and non-crisis issues – remember to always call ahead for current protocols. (updated October 2021)

CICS- Central Iowa Community Services provides coordination and financial support for mental health and disability services to eligible applicants. Call for service 641-236-9199.

Grinnell Area Mental Health Consortium lists current mental health professionals and offers the JPK fund which is available for those:

  • unable to afford the cost of a co-pay
  • unable to afford treatment
  • needing help with prescriptions
  • needing help with other services that affect ones mental health.

Warm line– 1-844-775-9276 (WARM) This is a peer-run, confidential, telephone listening line for non-crisis situations.  Available from 2:00pm- 10:00pm daily.

Jobs and Finances

The purpose of this page is to provide information for Grinnell and surrounding area residents concerned about meeting their financial needs due to job loss, business closures, and other financial disruption.

Managing Unemployment

Keeping up with Bills, Housing, Fines and Deadlines

    • Rent Assist for City of Grinnell
      • Contact the Grinnell Housing Authority at 641-236-2611
    • John M. Campbell Fund: Financial assistance for groceries, taxi services, utilities, rent assistance and medical services for income eligible Grinnell residents.  Remember that postponed bill payments will still have to be paid eventually. If you’re struggling to cover expenses or worried about paying postponed bills:
      • Call Sharon Mealey at the city offices at 236-2600
    • Apply for assistance through Mid-Iowa Community Action or MICA, include help with energy bills.
    • Emergency Loan Program from Social Entrepreneurs of Grinnell. Provide no-interest loans for emergencies such as car repair, temporary loss of income, or medical emergencies. It is also intended as an alternative to predatory loans. For more information:
      • Email
    • Poweshiek County Emergency Fund: Any resident of Poweshiek County  may  apply  for  funding  assistance.
    • ISU Extension One-on-One Consultation with Family Finance Program: Financial educators are available to talk about options for revising a budget, prioritizing bills, paying down debt, and connecting Iowans with community resources to stretch reduced incomes. Iowans can connect with a family finance specialist by phone or email. The conversations are free and confidential.
      • +1 (800) 447-1985 Toll free, confidential, 24-hour Iowa Concern Hotline; leave a message and someone will get back to you within 48 hours
      • Email Joyce Lash, the financial educator assigned to Poweshiek County and someone will get back to you within 48 hours


    • Facebook: Grinnell, IA Mutual Aid Network, click button to request to join, post to ask for community help
    • Guidelines for bank customers from the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) pdf document

Civic Engagement

The purpose of this page is to provide local, state, and federal information to help you make a difference in the civic life of Grinnell and surrounding areas.


Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request forms are available at Drake Community Library!

Absentee Ballot Request form (click to download form)

Voter Registration form (click to download form)

Mail completed forms to:
Poweshiek County Auditor
PO Box 57
Montezuma, IA 50171

See the Poweshiek County Auditor’s webpage for more information.




Exercising your right to vote is always important! Absentee voting makes casting your vote easy and safe — social distancing at its best! Everything you need to know about registering to vote and voting absentee is available on the Vote Ready site.