Get Involved!
Would you like to get involved? The FDCL relies on Friends like you to support our programs through your membership.
No cash but want to help? We always need volunteers.
What do the Friends of DCL do?
- Create public support for the library via yearly events such as the annual Book Sale and Festival of Trees.
- Raise money to allow for critical purchases of equipment, reference materials, and other important library services that might not be provided otherwise.
- Provide volunteers to work on specific library tasks, including staffing the book store and handling book donations.
- Provide support and impetus for the library during fundraising and planning efforts.

Friends Membership Benefits
As a member of FDCL you’ll receive:
- FDCL newsletter
- Advance notice of the Annual Book Sale, and a free book at the sale
- The opportunity to participate in the nomination of candidates for the FDCL board
- You’re also invited to our monthly meetings the 4th Tuesday of each month, 7pm at the library!
Interested in helping the Drake Community Library?
We invite you to join the Friends of DCL.
You can download a membership form here (sorry we can’t do online payments). Fill it out and mail it – along with your contribution – to the address on brochure. Or drop it by the library!
Membership Categories
Individual – $25
Family – $50
Patron – $100
Benefactor – $500 or more
Friends' Shop

An ongoing project involves the sale of used books through the small shop in the library lobby, as well as the annual book sale. All books come from donations from the public or from withdrawn library books. It is a marvelous way to recycle books and provide money for the library. The bookshop provides an ongoing variety of books for easy purchase at $2 for hardbacks and $1 for paperbacks and AV materials. There are frequent special deals on children’s books for even less! The ongoing magazine sale is also popular. You can pick up a used magazine for a dime or get 12 for $1. The book store is open during all open library hours.
FDCL Board Members & Leadership
President: Allison Marsigliano
Vice President: Shana Yates
Secretary: Rita Mertens
Treasurer: Amy Blanchard
Newsletter: Rita Mertens
Board Members:
Lou Bryan, Linda Buck, Vince Eckhart, Maureen Fitzgibbon, Allison Haack, Allison Marsigliano, Rich Thorson, Library Director Karen Neal (ex officio)
Festival of Trees
The annual Festival of Trees invites community members and organizations to decorate a tree in the library. The celebration usually takes place the first Friday in December and includes music by local students and Santa in the Story Room.
It is free to register to create a tree. Funds are raised by people “voting” by put their donation under their favorite tree during the opening celebration.